Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ignore What They Say, Watch What They Do

Today, George Bush will visit the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, in a photo opportunity to push his renewable energy inititiative.


Last week, 32 employees of NREL, were laid off. Wayne Allard, our Republican Senator and Bob Beauprez, our Republican congressman and gubernatorial candidate for Colorado have consistently voted against continued funding for this facility. All of a sudden, $5 million is "found" to restore funding cuts (at least according to the CNN article linked to above). I have seen several different figures in just the last 24 hours, all the way from $5 million to $70 million. I just don't know what to believe.
In addition, the aforementioned Bob Beauprez, wrote a glowing column in the Rocky Mountain News in support of Bush's initiative for alternative energy:


I guess he has to make himself look good, he is running for Governor.

But as of this morning, per Jay Marvin's morning show on AM760, not one of the laid off employees had yet been contacted about returning to work.

So the questions to ask are:

Will the funding actually be restored and the workers rehired?
If the funding is restored, will it be maintained?
Or is this just one more fluff photo op, all talk and no substance?

Ignore what they say
Watch what they do


Ignore what they say

Watch what they do
They say they want to stop terrorism

so they terrorize their own people

They say they want to create jobs
so they send them overseas

They say they want to make America safe
and sell their ports to the terrorists

Ignore what they say
Watch what they do

The say they want democracy
yet they rig elections

They say they want to end tyranny
then they invade and occupy

They say they want to make life better
yet everything they touch is ruined

Ignore what they say
Watch what they do

They say they want accountability
yet hide everything they do

They say they want a strong military
yet fail to provide the proper tools

They say they want to reduce government
yet they create the biggest ever seen

Ignore what they say
Watch what they do

Why do they hate America?

Sure, you can trust the government
Just ask the Indians

Watch your back

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