Monday, February 20, 2006

War on the Environment

The War on Crows

Over the weekend, there was an article on the front page of the Denver Post:

Town under siege

Riverton, Wyo., is covered in crows. Huge flocks roost there in the winter months. So the mayor has given the police force orders to shoot the invaders on sight.

It seems thousands of crows have decided to pay a visit to this small town of 9,000 humans on a yearly basis in January. In typical human fashion, the solution decided upon is to shoot them, at the rate of 400 a night.


There is a great void
a cavity in our collective soul
day by day it grows

It started small
as we moved toward the temporary
satisfations of the moment

beame the driving force

A hunger so loud
id drowned the cries of the lost

The world noticed
Threatened by us
the warning went out

The crows are calling

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